Treatment of all major urologic disorders.
Endourologic (Keyhole) management of Renal, Ureteric and Bladder stones PCNL/Ureteroscopy.
Lithotripsy of Calculi by Litho Clast.
Endoscopic management of prostate disorders BPH.
Carcinoma prostate TURP, Prostatectomy.
Treatment of genito urinary tumors including Renal cell carcinoma, TCC Bladder Nephrectorny and Nephroureterectomy.
Peadiatric Urology including Hypospadias Repair.
Reconstructive Urology including Pyeloplasty, Ureteric reimplantation.
Andrology Evaluation and management of Male factor
Infertility and
Varicocele ligation.
Treatment of Urosepsis Endoscopic management Ureteric
Stenting Nephrostorny.